If you’ve ever purchased and set up a networking router, you have very likely come across a number that looks like
It is used on the vast majority of this equipment available for home users, and by now you might even be able to recite the digit by heart.
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In any case, this is not always obvious as to how your device is set up.
The latest models have gotten a lot better at having this process easier, but it’s still important to know a few of the basics so that you can easily get started with pretty much any model that you buy.
What Is This Number?
First of all, there needs to be an explanation of what is in the first place. Some people reading this may know already, but this is called an IP address.
This is essentially a unique identifier for a computer on a network. It can be either public or private; usually public IP´s are used for the Internet, and it’s what your computer uses behind the scenes when you type a URL like google.com; that domain name is translated to a public IP, which it uses to uniquely identify a remote machine.
This digit, however, is a private one. It points to something different depending on what network you’re on. If you have a home router that’s plugged in and hooked up properly, there’s a good chance that you can access it by typing that number into any web browser.
Do I Need To Use Or
The last two digits may vary for certain models. In order to find out which one your hardware is using, first make sure that you are either directly connected to your router or you’re connected to its Wi-Fi.
- IPCONFIG Command – Open a Command Prompt by pressing Win+R and typing “cmd” (without quotes). You’ll see the window pop up. From here, type “ipconfig” into the window and press Enter. You should see a lot of information come up. All of this describes how your network is set up, including the IP addresses that are being used.
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Keep In Mind: If you have directly connected, you want to look for the section with “Ethernet” in the title. For Wi-Fi, look for “Wireless LAN Adapter”. In either one, you want to look at the number next to the “Default gateway” field. This digit should tell you the router’s IP.
Instructions How To Log In To Rooter Admin
After entering in the correct digit into a web browser, it’ll typically prompt you for a username and password.
- Where To Find It – The default user/pass combo should be mentioned somewhere on the device itself. If not, it’ll be somewhere on the packaging or manual.
- Usual Combinations – Most of the time the default will be something like: A) admin/admin, or B) admin plus a blank password.
- Reset It If Everything Fails – If you’ve changed its login information and can’t remember it, you can usually rectify this by resetting the router. Consult your manual for details.
Community Help
If you ever run into any problems, there are various communities on the Internet that will be glad to help you.
- Kioskea.net – This one is a forum where individuals can post their problems and reply if they have useful information.
- Community.Linksys.com – Another is the Linksys community site.
- Fixya.com – And finally there’s also Fixya, which is a site where people can ask questions and have experts give answers.